How long does it take for my order to arrive?
We aim to dispatch orders without customization within 2-3 working days. Delivery across India typically takes 5-6 days. Our team strives to ensure your product reaches you within this timeframe.
Can I provide a different delivery address?
Yes, during checkout, you can specify a different delivery address by filling out the relevant section on the screen.
What happens if my order arrives in the wrong size?
If we have shipped a size different from what you confirmed, we will replace the item at no additional cost. However, customized items cannot be replaced if they match the confirmed customization details.
Can I return my order if it doesn't fit?
Certainly. Contact our team at within 48 hours of delivery to initiate a return for a full refund or replacement. Ensure the product is returned in its original condition.
How can I make a payment?
You can make payments using UPI, Credit Card, Debit Card, or opt for Cash on Delivery (COD) for most products available on our website.
What distinguishes a replica from a player-issue shirt?
Player-issue shirts are worn by professionals during games, while replicas are more affordable versions for fans. Variations include sizing, material, and minor design elements.
How should I wash my football shirts?
For best results, wash football shirts using a cold cycle. To preserve their quality, separate by color and consider turning them inside out. Avoid tumble drying and allow them to air dry naturally.